Prof. R. Srikant of UIUC
and Larry Dunn of Cisco will be plenary speakers at PFLDnet2007.
For the first time, PFLDnet will host a tutorial. This tutorial will be given by
Prof. Steven Low, Professor at Caltech and CEO of
FastSoft, with a tentative title of "Flow control theory for practitioners", on the morning of
Friday February 9th, 2007 .
Regular talks will be 20 minutes, with 5 minutes for questions and change-over.
On Friday afternoon, February 9, 2007, PFLDnet2007 delegates are welcome to a complimentary site visit at WAN-in-Lab in Netlab, Caltech. A shuttle bus is has been arranged for those need transport to WAN-in-Lab site visit from ISI.
(Driving directions to WAN-in-Lab..)
7 February, 2007 |
8:30-9:00 |
Registration |
8:30-9:00 |
Breakfast (provided) |
9:00-10:20 |
Plenary 1 Chair: Doug Leith |
Three sides of a coin: Why it's easy/impossible/tricky to get your ideas into routers
Larry Dunn (Cisco Systems)
10:20-10:40 |
Break |
10:40-11:50 |
Theoretical Performance Analysis Chair: Michael Welzl |
Stochastic Ordering for Internet Congestion Control
Han Cai*; Do Young Eun*; Sangtae Ha*; Injong Rhee* ; Lisong Xu** (*North Carolina State University, US; **University of Nebraska-Lincoln, US) pages 1-6
Experimental evaluation of Cubic-TCP
Douglas Leith; Robert Shorten; Gavin McCullagh (Hamilton Institute at NUI Maynooth, IE) pages 7-12
Delay-based AIMD congestion control
Douglas Leith*; John Heffner**; Robert Shorten*; Gavin McCullagh* (*Hamilton Institute at NUI Maynooth, IE; **Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, US) pages 73-78
11:50-13:00 |
Lunch (provided) |
13:00-14:10 |
Packet Management Chair: Medy Sanadidi |
Robustness to Packet Reordering in High-speed Networks
Sumitha Bhandarkar; Narasimha Reddy (Texas A & M University, US) pages 13-18
Packet Reordering in High-Speed Networks and Its Impact on High-Speed TCP Variants
Jie Feng; Zhipeng Ouyang; Lisong Xu; Byrav Ramamurthy (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, US) pages 19-24
Effect of Receive Buffer Size: An OS-based Perspective
Jerome White; David Wei (California Institute of Technology, US) pages 25-30
14:10-14:40 |
Break |
14:40-15:50 |
Novel Flow Control Protocols |
TCP-Fusion: A Hybrid Congestion Control Algorithm for High-speed Networks
Kazumi Kaneko; Jiro Katto (Waseda University, JP) pages 31-36
YeAH-TCP: yet Another Highspeed TCP
Francesco Vacirca; Andrea Baiocchi; Angelo Castellani (Universita di Roma, La Sapienza, IT) pages 37-42
Linux beats Windows! – or the Worrying Evolution of TCP in Common Operating Systems
Kashif Munir; Michael Welzl; Dragana Damjanovic (University of Innsbruck, AT) pages 43-48
15:50-16:10 |
Break |
16:10-17:30 |
Panel Session 1 Chair: Lars Eggert (Nokia, DE) |
Risks, Benefits and Issues of Using PFLDnets on the Internet
Ted Faber, USC ISI (TCPM co-chair)
Murari Sridharan, Microsoft (C-TCP)
Injong Rhee, NCSU (BIC/CUBIC)
Stephen Hemminger, OSDL (Linux kernel)
Bob Briscoe (BT and UCL, UK)
19:00- |
Dinner (provided) |
8 February, 2007 |
8:30-9:00 |
Breakfast (provided) |
9:00-10:20 |
Plenary 2 Chair: Lachlan Andrew |
The Role of Mathematical Modelling in the Design of
Congestion Control Algorithms for High-Speed Networks
R. Srikant (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
10:20-12:40 |
Break |
10:40-11:50 |
Hardware |
Analysis of 10 Gigabit Ethernet using Hardware Engine for Performance Tuning on Long Fat-pipe Network
Takeshi Yoshino; Junji Tamatsukuri; Katsushi Inagami; Yutaka Sugawara; Mary Inaba; Kei Hiraki (University of Tokyo, JP) pages 43-48
Investigation of Ethernet switches behavior in presence of contending flows at very high-speed
Sebastien Soudan*; Romaric Guillier*; Ludovic Hablot*; Yuetsu Kodama**; Tomohiro Kudoh**; Fumihiro Okazaki**; Ryousei Takano**; Pascale Primet*** (*LIP, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, FR; AIST, JP; ***ENS-Lyon, INRIA, EC-Lyon, FR) pages 49-54
Modeling and Analysis to Estimate the End-System Performance Bottleneck Rate for High-Speed Data Transfer
Amitabha Banerjee; Biswanath Mukherjee; Dipak Ghosal (UC Davis, US) pages 55-60
11:50-13:25 |
Lunch (provided) |
13:25-14:10 |
New Approaches Chair: Katsushi Kobayashi |
Congestion Control Without a Startup Phase
Mark Allman*; Shudong Jin**; Dan Liu**; Limin Wang***; (*ICIR, US; **Case Western Reserve University, US; ***Bell Labs, US) pages 61-66
Decoupling End-to-End Efficiency and Fairness Control in High Bandwidth-Delay Product Networks
Shudong Jin; Dan Liu (Case Western Reserve University, US) pages 67-72
14:10-14:40 |
Break |
14:40-15:50 |
Empirical Performance Analysis Chair: Pascale Primet |
A study of large flow interactions in high-speed shared networks with Grid5000 and GtrcNET-10 instruments
Romaric Guillier* ; Ludovic Hablot*; Yuetsu Kodama**; Tomohiro_ Kudoh**; Fumihiro Okazaki**; Pascale Primet*** ; Sebastien Soudan*; Ryousei Takano** (*LIP, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, FR; **AIST, JP; ***ENS-Lyon, INRIA, EC-Lyon, FR) pages 79-84
WAN-in-Lab: Motivation, Deployment and Experiments
George Lee; Lachlan Andrew; Ao Tang; Steven Low (California Institute of Technology, US) pages 85-90
Assessing Interactions among Legacy and High-Speed TCP Protocols
Hideyuki Shimonishi*; Medy Sanadidi**; Tutomu Murase* (*NEC Corp., JP; **UCLA, US) pages 91-96
15:50-16:10 |
Break |
16:10-17:30 |
Panel Session 2 Chair: Richard Hughes-Jones (University of Manchester) |
What performance measures of congestion control algorithms matter? / How do transport protocols affect applications?
Pascale Primet (INRIA, FR)
Katsushi Kobayashi (AIST, JP)
Tim Shepard (Independent contractor)
Ralph Niederberger (FZJ, DE)
9 February, 2007 |
9:00-10:00 |
Breakfast (provided) |
10:00-11:15 |
Tutorial |
Networking theory for practitioners (free for students)
Steven H. Low (Caltech)
11:00-14:00 |
Break (Box lunch provided to tutorial attendees.) Optional shuttle bus for WAN-in-Lab site visit. |
14:00-16:00 |
Site Visit |
Tour of Caltech's WAN-in-Lab testbed (free)
Lachlan Andrew (Caltech)