Friday 13 October, 2006
Friday 20 October , 2006 (Extended)
Notification of acceptance:
Monday 4 December, 2006
Final paper submission:
Monday 22 January, 2007
Early (discounted) Registration:
Friday 26 January , 2007
Wednesday and Thursday,
7 and 8 February, 2007
Friday 9 February 2007 (morning)
Site visit: WAN-in-Lab (optional)
Friday 9 February 2007 (afternoon)
Paper Preparation
The camera-ready paper must be in PDF format for A4 or "US letter" sized paper.
Its length should typically be 4-5 pages, and up to a maximum length of 6 pages.
ALL fonts must be embedded in the PDF file.
Authors must check their final pdf files before submission to verify that all fonts have been properly embedded.
Some font manufacturers now flag their fonts not to embed and hence these fonts are unsuitable for submission.
Authors are to name their pdf submissions according to this format: <full_lastName_firstNameInitial.pdf>
To format your paper for the proceedings, please follow the
IEEE Transaction style for
LaTeX and Word style files.
A LaTeX example can be also
found here.
The page numbers allocated to your paper are on the programme page. Please include the page numbers in your final paper.
Final Paper Submission
Once the programme is finalised, you will be allocated page numbers. Please include the page numbers in your final paper.
Email the final paper in the above IEEE format to .
Copyright Release Form
In order for us to include your paper in the proceedings, we need you to sign a copyright release form. This is not a copyright transfer form,
and we do not restrict you from submitting extended versions of your work to conferences or journals.
Download the Copyright Release Form either as a .doc file or as a .pdf file.
Then COMPLETE, SIGN AND RETURN the copyright forms
via FAX + 1(626)-568-3603, marked "Attn: Lachlan Andrew, Netlab, Re: PFLDnet2007 Submission"
Note: You are stating that the material in your paper is original
and you have not previously transferred copyright to it. We cannot publish your paper without your completed and signed Copyright Release form.
Please put the conference name - PFLDnet2007 - on all correspondence, on the copyright form, and on the mailing envelope.