November 28-29, 2010
Franklin & Marshall College   
Lancaster, Pennsylvania

 Call for Papers

PFLDNeT 2010

The 8th International Workshop on Protocols for Future, Large-Scale and Diverse Network Transports (PFLDNeT)
Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA
November 28-29, 2010
Web page:
CFP text version:


The Internet continues to evolve along several dimensions, allowing more and more end systems to communicate in increasingly diverse ways. At one end of the performance spectrum, the Internet protocols provide communication facilities for extremely-high-speed special-use networks. At the other end of the performance spectrum, the Internet contains very low-power and low-bandwidth networks that cater to infrequent, bursty communication. Enabling efficient and high- performance end-to-end communication across such a diverse internetwork is a difficult problem, which is not solved by current transport layer protocols. The need to support an application base that grows more and more dissimilar adds additional challenges.

The 8th International Workshop on Protocols for Future, Large-scale and Diverse Network Transports (PFLDNeT) brings together researchers and practitioners from all continents to exchange their ideas and experiences in the area of transport issues for modern communication networks. The workshop provides theorists, experimentalists and technologists with a focused, highly interactive opportunity to present, discuss and exchange experience on leading research, development and future directions in transport and application protocols for networks that are increasingly growing in size, heterogeneity and dynamicity of interaction.

PFLDNeT 2010 solicits papers that further the research on end-to-end communication protocols for todays and tomorrows Internet in all its diversity along the continuum from specialized grid networks, optical transports, wireless connections, to lossy and low-power networks. A specific focus of the workshop lies on transport protocols for the efficient end-to-end transfer of data for a diverse set of applications and application-layer protocols.

Now approaching its eighth instantiation, the PFLDneT workshop has broadened its focus over the years from protocols targeted at specific fast, long-distance networks (the original expansion of the PFLDneT acronym) into a venue where all kinds of new ideas relating to end-to-end transport protocols for diverse network scenarios are being discussed first.

The previous International Workshops on Protocols for Fast, Long- Distance Networks held at CERN (2003), Argonne (2004), Lyon (2005), Nara (2006), Marina del Rey (2007), Manchester (2008), and Tokyo (2009) were very successful in bringing together many researchers from all over the world, including North America, Europe and Asia, who are working on these problems. PFLDNeT 2010 will continue this tradition, and provide a perfect forum for researchers in this area to exchange ideas and experience.

As in previous years, a meeting of the IRTF Internet Congestion Control Research Group (ICCRG) will be co-located with PFLDNeT, on November 29, 2010.

Important Dates and Relevant Event Information:

Abstract submission: September 20, 2010   October 11, 2010 (extended)
Position paper submission: September 27, 2010   October 11, 2010 (extended)
Notification of acceptance: October 27, 2010
Final camera ready submission: November 14, 2010   November 22, 2010
Workshop: November 28-29, 2010
IRTF ICCRG meeting (co-located): November 29, 2010

Note: PFLDNeT 2010 will be immediately before CoNEXT 2010, and its venue is located only a short drive or train ride from Philadelphia, making it easy to attend both events in one trip.


PFLDNeT 2010 covers all aspects related to transport protocols for the current and future Internet, including, but not limited to:
- Transport protocol development
- Enhancements to TCP and other transports
- Innovative congestion control mechanisms
- Novel data transport protocols designed for new networks and applications
- Transport services for data center networks and grids
- Transport services for wireless and sensor networks
- Explicit signaling protocols: optimization criteria and deployment strategies
- Pacing and shaping of traffic
- Parallel transfers and multi-streaming
- Performance evaluation
- Modeling and simulation-based results
- Interaction of transport protocols and network equipment
- Experiments on real networks and live measurements
- Transport protocol benchmarking
- Transport over optical networks
- Transport implementation and hardware issues
- End system performance
- Data replication and striping
- Applications with demanding or unusual network performance requirements
- Bulk-data transfer applications
- Quality-of-service and scalability issues
- Multicast

PFLDnet 2010