Abstract Submission now closed.
Participants wishing to present a paper should upload a four-page extended abstract to the submission site by October 14, 2005.
Please click the button above to access the submission site.
- Scope: (choose at least one of the subject areas below - multiple selections possible)
- Protocol issues in fast long-distance networks
- Enhancements of TCP and its variants
- Novel data transport protocols designed for new application services
- Transport over optical networks
- RDMA over WANs
- Shaping on TCP and UDP traffic
- QoS and scalability issues
- Parallel transfers and multistreaming
- Multicast over fast long-distance networks
- Modeling and simulation-based results
- Experiments on real networks and actual measurements
- Protocol benchmarking
- Protocol implementation and hardware issues (PCs, NICs, TOEs, routers, switches, etc.)
- Data replications and striping
- Requirements and experience from bandwidth demanding applications
- Bulk-data transfer applications both TCP and non-TCP based
- Transport service for Grids
Authors whose abstracts are selected for presentation will have the option to submit a full paper,
to be published on the PFLDnet 2006 web site and in the PFLDnet 2006 proceedings.
- Important Dates
- Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: October 14
Acceptance Notification: December 7
Final Paper Submission: January 20
Workshop: February 2-3