The International Workshop on Protocols for Fast Long-Distance
Networks at CERN (PFLDnet2003), Argonne (PFLDnet2004), and in Lyon(PFLDnet2005)
were very successful in bringing together many researchers from all over the
world including North America, Europe and Asia who are working on these problems.
This workshop will continue this tradition, and provide a perfect setting for
researchers in this area to exchange ideas and experience.

Thank you for your participation!
The Workshop was attended by 41 participants from 10 countries.
* Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: October 14th, 2005
Deadline Extended to: October 28th, 2005 (final) CLOSED
* Acceptance Notification: December 7th, 2005
* Advance (Discounted) Registration: extended to January 20th, 2006 17:00 JST (GMT+9)
* Final Paper Submission: January 20th, 2006
* Workshop: February 2nd and 3rd, 2006